About us

GPSoverIP GmbH manufactures and supplies professional, integrated telematics systems for vehicle locating and fleet management. We offer solutions for the most different of sectors such as forwarding agencies, cab companies, construction companies, waste management companies, manufacturers, courier companies, bus companies, vehicle manufacturers and many more.
Included in the functions are location, navigation, shipping orders/tours as well as the transmission of telemetry values (FMS/CAN bus), digital speedometers, images, texts etc. In a highly competitive market, we are considered the leader in innovation and technology. This is based on the patented technologies. The services of the GPSoverIP, DATAoverIP and CAN-live were specially developed to transmit geo and user data within the mobile Internet. The information is transmitted securely, quickly and at a reasonable price in very short intervals and without considerable delays.
Under the brand name "GPSauge™", GPSoverIP GmbH sells the developed solutions all over the world. The entire development and production is Made in Germany.